HAFTA 01: 01.01.2020~05.01.2020


Journal Date: Monday, 06/01/2020

I’m very happy to announce that I’ve made a very fruitful start to 2020... Twenty contents, all interesting, all a source of inspiration, all a guiding spirit... Bobbing, ducking, weaving, jumping, hopping, wheely-ing, swerving, pumping, carving, riding, pedalling, slowly. Listening, breathing, scanning, looking, riding, eating, continuously. Searching for drive, motivation, speed, fun, excitement, happiness, fall colours, loam, hero dirt, cheap thrills, zest, camera angles, and single-track. Riding in the morning, afternoon, and into the night, feeling the chill fall air on exposed flesh. Wearing wool, flannel, and spandex. Living, wandering, searching, aimlessly.

Logbook of “tWO wHEELS tOO mANY jOURNEYS”
Date: 01/01/2020 & Wednesday

@ARCHIVE: “CW-04 [2020]”... I have created the FOURTH related CW file (CW-04 [2020]) in which every single post with respect to my musings, inspirations, creative writing, feuilleton and hiking adventures and bicycle tours for the year 2020.

INSPIRATIONS: “Inky Inspirations ~ Day 1”... A very welcoming New Year day with family in one piece in the good old Thracian town... Babaeski: Celebrating the 3rd year... I pride myself on leaving another year; a year which hit the top in every sense of problematic, unpleasant, ferocious and nerve-wracking events. Even though these spiteful issues which surrounded our daily lives, it gave me enough hope to look into future, and still does, by dint of my gadabout world of trips. As long as my I don’t have any serious health problems.

Logbook of “tWO wHEELS tOO mANY jOURNEYS”
Date: 02/01/2020 & Thursday

FINANCES: “DECEMBER 2019: MONTHLY FINANCIAL RESULTS”... Here is the summary of the financial results for the month ended 31 December, 2019...

STATISTICS: “DECEMBER 2019: TRAVEL SUMMARY & STATISTICS”... Onto the travel summary & statistics for the month December, 2019...

INSPIRATIONS: “Inky Inspirations ~ Day 2”... Babaeski: 24 hours in northwest Thrace... A bigheartedly early bird day... As we’ve grown older, we’ve learned how critical family members are to our survival. When you hit your late 20s/early30s, it’s inevitable that life sometimes takes over in the form of spouses, babies, home-owning, careers and families, and friend time can often feel like a luxury rather than a necessity, which means it often falls by the wayside.

Logbook of “tWO wHEELS tOO mANY jOURNEYS”
Date: 03/01/2020 & Friday

FINANCES: “ANNUAL FINANCIAL RESULTS ~ 2019”... Here is the complete summary of the financial results for the year ended 31 December, 2019...

STATISTICS: “DECEMBER 2019: TRAVEL SUMMARY & STATISTICS”... Onto the review of travel summary & statistics for the entire year 2019...

INSPIRATIONS: “Inky Inspirations ~ Day 3”... Babaeski: One of the reasons I do what I do is because I’m so inspired by the authentic Thracians in this regional community... Traces of the past... Journals... journals... From hikers to bicycle travellers to up northwest goers to lake & creek lovers, I’ve all got passion burning bright and an interesting story to tell. I love getting to know and find out undiscovered places and learning about how I’ve come to embrace the Thracian lifestyle.

Logbook of “tWO wHEELS tOO mANY jOURNEYS”
Date: 04/01/2020 & Saturday

PLANNING: “Planning This Year's Self-Supported Bicycle Tours”... New Year means new bicycle tours planning... Each year, as first days approach, I sit down and run through a flood of materials from my travel scheduling archive and work out the best possible programs one after the other. Each tour is then revised, updated and completed for implementation when the right time is on the table.

COUNTRY🚶: “Views from Kırklareli Dam at Evening Hours”... How about a weekend activity in a watery Kırklareli? Or should I have said the Sarànta Ekklisiès like the Byzantine Greeks called it; meaning forty churches? Why did they call it this, I have no idea, as I can hardly see a few only, let alone 48. The name of the city changed after the establishment of the Republic, on December 1924 to Kırklareli, meaning The Place of The Forties.

FINANCES: “Investment Budget: Bike & Bike Accessories [2020]”...

INSPIRATIONS: “Inky Inspirations ~ Day 4”... Babaeski: Memories follow road tracks... Thracian spirits... As I am one of those Thracian roots from my mother’s side, I could talk with Thracian folks for hours, no matter that I’ve just met. They’ve got stories to tell, enchanting personalities and, most admirably, they’ve got a heart to do well. [Especially when they are drunk!!] One of my favourite parts of meeting unique Thracians was when I began planning my bike tours in this region.

Logbook of “tWO wHEELS tOO mANY jOURNEYS”
Date: 05/01/2020 & Sunday

MUSINGS: “My 2020 Intentions for the New Year”... Okay, let’s talk New Year’s resolutions. Well, I’m not super opposed to that word “resolution”, but it immediately conjures an image of 100 new people cramming themselves into the trip plans for the next 30 days and then promptly disappearing. Or my recommended at least one book of your daily week programme being slowly replaced by a YouTube video by every night. “Resolution” has become an almost ironic concept which lends itself to a negative head space. Nope, I don’t want to hang out in negativity, so I am not doing resolutions this year. Instead, I’m setting 2020 intentions.

COUNTRY🚶: “A Homely Visit to an Acquainting Place”... We all have different opinions about weekends, but we can all probably agree that there’s room to share the acquaintances and to do things together. So whether we go out to create some fun performing outdoor activities, or stay indoors doing nothing at all, we encourage each other to share affection of leisure with those we love the most. Since we’re the gift-giving type, here’s a little inspiration for this weekend course...

COUNTRY🚶: “What's It Like To Live Past Lausanne in Nowadays?”... Nothing much to say here; just some select photos from the Edirne city tour around Kırkağaç locality: Treaty of Lausanne Monument and Museum...

COUNTRY🚶: “Hipster Kırkağaç The Cosiest Neighbourhood in Edirne”... Again nothing much to say here; just some select photos from the Edirne city tour around Kırkağaç locality: Vintage Karaağaç Train Station...

COUNTRY🚶: “Passed by Fine Arts Work Station & Everything was Bizarre”... Once more nothing much to say here; just some select photos from the Edirne city tour around Kırkağaç locality: Workshops of the Faculty of Fine Arts of Thrace University...

COUNTRY🚶: “Turkish Coffee at Ottoman Dessert on a Full Stomach”... We haven’t quite finished yet. In fact, today we loaded our souls on a rent-a-car automobile and headed first to our living home Saros (150 km) then on the way back to Babaeski we swerved the steering wheel to Edirne (160 km) where we spent a few hours reconvening and getting psychologically and photographically done for some fairly interesting history, art and coffee around the land of Kırkağaç. (Total distance made today: 400 km)

FINANCES: “Investment Budget: Bags, Panniers and Racks [2020]”...

INSPIRATIONS: “Inky Inspirations ~ Day 5”... Babaeski >> Saros >> Edirne >> Babaeski: Memories follow home-like cute road trails... Thracian feelings... Early in the morning we picked our chow and set out our journey to Saros. We went a little but skilfully and reached our home in AHV. The next thing we noticed was Perihan’s (our neighbour) eleagnus tree was hit down by a violent storm onto our parking lot. Even Scar (one of the site dogs we look after) could not bear our parting and left his ‘kennel’ and deserted the area. Dobby and others are the lucky ones for the bones we have brought. On the way back we saw the light of Edirne at the end of the tunnel.
