Babaeski'nin Çıkar Çıkmaz Sokakları




My tour the Thrace is nearly self-progressing, and everything I thought I knew about Babaeski and its environs have been confirmed! It is such a brilliant countryside for a bicycle, a million tiny wee country roads with no traffic that take you over hilly roads with landscape, fields and picturesque old towns and villages. Even off-roads are full of surprises, mysteries. Behind each hill a mosque spire appears and you know the next coffee or brewed black tea isn’t far away. A freshly baked bread or bagel from the bakery shop is cherry on top. 

I love the life and the humorous people here. They all are teasers. And they have a special Thracian accent, too. (Since there can never be any English translation of it, one must only hear them talking alive.) And; every time they start chatting, it makes me laugh. It goes like this, “Hello friend, how are you?” ... “Thank you, I’m fine. And you?” ... “Oh, I’m just plugging along. What about you.” ... “Good, good, not too bad. And how about you?” ... “Yeah. No troubles. You’re okay?” ... “So-so. Mustn’t grumble. And how’re you doing?” ... and on... and on for hours... 

Coffeehouses in every town and village are awesome. They are the hearts of social life which brings lots of talkative daily news. Every hour of the day, they save the country, they put up with more worries, and they end miseries, they fall in love, break, make peace, then spoil again, they win, lose, triumph again... 

Today I stood at the side of the road staring at my map when an old man on bicycle stopped to tell me the next soup restaurant would be at least 100m away. On mornings many local people have their breakfasts at these spit-and-sawdust restaurants. Not only the soup is cheap, but it is very tasty and satisfying. You can easily tank up tour stomach. 


Pire🚲 looks fresh and ready to set off via the Festival Park. 


At the D-100 junction. 


Oh, it’s so good to be alone on the roads. 


Some alleys are still in mud, from yesterday night’s shower. 


Old railway station ahead. The Fido looks curious about what I’m doing. 

So far so good. I completed my 956th kilometre riding and not a single puncture yet! Amazing! But I’m so careful with scattered broken glasses and nails. Thanks to Schwalbe Delta Cruisers as well. Damn good tyres. I’m very impressed. Some folks are amazed with where I go. Especially, the gravels, dirt roads, rock-strewn off roads, dusty, muddy, loamy, top soil forest roads. And they wonder how on earth I manage cycling on such grounds with a road bicycle. 

Well, I guess, I’m just being lucky one and the same as Lucky Luke. And so, if ever I have a puncture, no doubt I’ll have it fixed by a kindly someone while I make him/her a coffee –😏🚲😊&– (hahaha; I can do it myself you know.) 

But my legs feel all good. I’m ready for the Babaeski’s busy streets, alleys, old railway tracks, parks, the highway, coffeehouses, pubs and pastry shops, which is just as well since I’m in this uncrowded Thracian earth and I’ll be crossing even more explorative, adventurous, exciting ponds and brooks in the next days. Perhaps, then I would also reward myself with stimulating farm life in the belief that I’ll be served with fresh doughnuts or pancakes or anise cookies or brandied milk or best lion milk: Turkish Rakia accompanied by homemade white cheese. I’m always surprised witty farmers do fun things, too... 


This water reservoir used to meet a huge part of Babaeski’s water network. I have no idea whether it is still in use. 


Now in the vicinity of Dindoğru district, back on the tracks. 


Just beautiful. 


Yeah, I love railways, even if they’re no longer used. 


Yea, today I’ve taken thoroughly a different itinerary, had a look around the town centre, shops, cafes and restaurants, and then dashed into back streets to outskirts. It’s gorgeous! Surrounded by fields and creeks. At any rate, summary to Babaeski streets... a fruitful day complete... Now, gonna get my legs sorted for tomorrow. 

Au revoir! 



Tour Date: 28.11.2017; Tuesday 

COURSE: circle line @ BABAESKİ town centre 

Itinerary Trail: Babaeski (Home Accommodation) >> Gazi Mustafa Kemal Boulevard >> İnönü St. >> İstanbul St. >> 147, 150, 160, 214 Streets >> İstanbul ~ Edirne Highway (D100) >> “U” Return >> 69, 73, 45, 42 and Terminal Streets >> Pehlivanköy Junction “U” Return >> 420, 430 and Fatih Streets >> Kurtuluş St. >> İstiklal St. >> Babaeski Stadium >> Çiftçi (farmer), 593, Lise (lyceumand Fatih Streets >> İstasyon (station) Street >> Kırklareli St. >> BABAESKİ (Home Accommodation) 

Nature of the Tour: Sightseeing BABAESKİ town centre 

Total Travel Distance: 26 km

Total Cycling Distance: 26 km

Total Vehicle Distance: 0 km  

Vehicles Used for the Trip: None

Total Trip Time: 3½ hrs. (10:00~13:30)

Total Cycling Time: 2½ hrs. + Stopovers: 1 hr. 

Air Temperature: 6°C (Deathly cold) 

Average Speed: 7,00 km

Maximum Speed: 10,00 km 

Details of Tour Costs 

Transport: 0,00 TL

Accommodation: 0,00 TL

Food & Bevereges: 1,00 TL

Other: 0,00 TL

Total Costs: 1,00 TL 

Yours in Bike Adventure,

Two Wheels Too Many Journeys 
